Thursday, April 25, 2013


I bought some cheap glass beads at the dollar store,

they are cute but between the different colours they are not the exact same size, so the result on my peyote stitches didn't work perfectly, you can feel when touching it isn't even, it is still nice.  On the design of the fox head the nose should be straight but the beads size did really make a difference.  Lesson learned, always buy good quality glass beads.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


This is the best cover I ever heard of "Stairway to heaven", I just can't stop listening to it, give it a try and I bet you won't be able to stop.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Recycling soda pop tabs

I'm crocheting together soda pop tabs, this project is in progress, if things go as planned it should turn up into a bag.

There is a video you can watch to find out exactly how it is done:  

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Red Kidney Beans Soup

Hmmmm soup!!!!
This is my favourite soup of all and it's quite easy to make.

You will need to soak 1 cup of dried red kidney beans for at least 4 hours prior to start cooking.
Then you rinse the beans and put them in a very large pot with enough water to cover the beans and cook for about 1 hour.

1 large chopped onion
2 1/2 cup of milk
1/3 cup of flour
Chive, garlic, fresh ground pepper, salt to taste

In a small pan melt some butter and golden the onion till transparent
Drain the cooked beans again and put then back in the pot with the milk on low-medium
add the onion, chive, garlic, pepper, salt 
mix and let it simmer
at the same time take the flour and mix with some water or milk at your choice until you get a creamy mixture and add it to the pot.
let it simmer for 15-20 minutes and enjoy while hot.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Meteor Hits Russia

16 minutes, showing from different angles.
Next one showing the crater

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Giant Squid

It's alive and real
Live Giant Squid Video Footage from worthytradie on Vimeo.

If we could spend a little more time exploring on earth we could probably find a lot more interesting living creatures, instead of trying to explore planets where we can't survive.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Google Body Browser

If you need a good 3D anatomy for study or just for fun, if you are using Chrome for browsing it's easy just open the site and play with it.