Saturday, October 13, 2007

Give me a line...How to draw...

Many already know my doodles...this one is really simple and everyone can draw a line, the secret is: start small and practice...all you need is a piece of paper and a regular pen. Just let go your imagination a little wild and something will appear on this piece of paper, repetitions, lines, curves...everything is good to get some dexterity going, as you practice the movements are easier to accomplish.

OK...I can hear you say..."I can't draw"..."I can only make sticks people"...If you want to experiment here you might find how easy it is to draw.

A good drawing is the base to any good paintings, before thinking colours think pencils and papers, now you need a subject...for a first try choose something simple, look at the object with curiosity, forget what you know about this object, look at it like it's the first time you see it, contours, line, height, curves...take your time, keep your eyes on the subject, don't look at the piece of paper and start to draw what you eyes can see...Your eyes should be the guide and your hand should follow, the first draw should be the contours of this object.

The first result might not be grandiose, but with practice you will be able to draw anything you want with all it's details.

The point is, when you are looking at the paper you are drawing from memory, you are not drawing the subject itself but what you remember of it, most people can't remember with exactitude, when keeping your eyes on the object you are drawing this object.

Try it...Only you will know about it, have fun and learn something new...You didn't learn how to form your letters in a day, give yourself a chance and practice.


JBinford-Bell said...

Stopped by to say hi. Would have done it earlier but was busy writing my ghost story on my desktop for Rural Diva's spooky story challenge. I had not bookmarked you BlogSpot page on my desktop yet.

Have been missing your doodles. I like doodles because they grow. Sketches for paintings have to be considered in the whole but with a doodle you start and the beginning and when you stop that is the end.

Nice to see you blogging where ever it is.

DianeOart said...

I do like the blog platform here, less gadgets more blog.
Doodles are a good way to get dexterity in your movement, it gives a flow and since it doesn't need to represent anything there is no mistakes. It is just having some fun.